Modularis is the creator of PlatformPlus® – a Microsoft-based, automation and AI-inclusive software development platform. We exist to help businesses develop better software products. Take a deep dive into the details and learn more about our process and team here.
PlatformPlus® is a scalable, flexible software development platform + support system that allows software product companies to build, test, deploy, operate, update, and scale software products and platforms more quickly and cost-effectively. Most of our customers deploy new software products or new features/modernization to existing products within 90 days.
PlatformPlus® includes a full review of your software product plan, plus the development platform, a product roadmap, support from our executive team to your executive team, and a full staff of software engineers to support your developers and fill in the gaps in their skillset so that you don’t have to add new hires, and more time before your product hits the market.
Software development results in a piece of software you’ll use internally. It automates a process or functions as a support to your own business activities. Software product development results in a piece of software you intend to sell, or include as a benefit or support for an IoT product you’re selling. Commercial intent is the big difference. Check out our blog on the subject for more details.
PlatformPlus™ includes a full review of your software product plan, plus the development platform, a product roadmap, support from our executive team to your executive team, and a full staff of software engineers to support your developers and fill in the gaps in their skillset so that you don’t have to add new hires, and more time before your product hits the market.
Software development accelerators are all-in-one software development components that can help you build software solutions without re-creating the wheel. Ours is called PlatformPlus™, and it includes everything you need to build software right, build it fast, and ensure that it’s built to last. Click here to learn more about software development accelerators.
PlatformPlus™ includes a full review of your software product plan, plus the development platform, a product roadmap, support from our executive team to your executive team, and a full staff of software engineers to support your developers and fill in the gaps in their skillset so that you don’t have to add new hires, and more time before your product hits the market.
Modernizing your application can be done in 90 days. This timeline requires strategic alignment between your developers and your business plan, heavy-lift architecture and engineering support, and automation and AI tools that simplify the process for your developers when it’s time to add your own unique value and features.
For example, Cultura updated their 20-year-old product to a fully-modern, highly scalable solution after other consultants said it couldn’t be done. Thanks to the model-driven AI and automation in PlatformPlus™, we helped them achieve their goal in 90 days – and ROI in 6 months!
PlatformPlus™ includes a full review of your software product plan, plus the development platform, a product roadmap, support from our executive team to your executive team, and a full staff of software engineers to support your developers and fill in the gaps in their skillset so that you don’t have to add new hires, and more time before your product hits the market.
Throw away code is code that developers put in place to function (or look functional) in a prototype or demo that is not reliable enough, scalable enough, or functional enough to be included in the product’s final release.
Software development is riddled with throw-away code, and it’s this technical debt that makes it impossible for most software product companies to get a fully-functional product to market within the 90-day window. That’s why PlatformPlus™ helps you build your MVP or MVE right the first time, with no throw away code and no wasted time.
For example, Cultura updated their 20-year-old product to a fully-modern, highly scalable solution after other consultants said it couldn’t be done. Thanks to the model-driven AI and automation in PlatformPlus™, we helped them achieve their goal in 90 days – and ROI in 6 months!
PlatformPlus™ includes a full review of your software product plan, plus the development platform, a product roadmap, support from our executive team to your executive team, and a full staff of software engineers to support your developers and fill in the gaps in their skillset so that you don’t have to add new hires, and more time before your product hits the market.
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We get it. You have a lot of money on the line. Give us a call to learn more about the Modularis approach and how we can help you drive your business forward.

We collaborate closely with Microsoft and are proud to have earned the highest standards of Microsoft’s widely-recognized partnership program.