
Profiles in Tech: Meet the Talented Team at Modularis – Agustín Barona


Meet Agustín Barona, a Senior Software Engineer based in Cali, Colombia, who’s been with Modularis for the last four years.

Agustín is very thoughtful in how he approaches problem solving; he handles stressful situations with a cool head. He does his homework, he’s a hard worker and he always puts the customer’s needs first. He has a very giving nature, which is a core strength — he’s giving of his time and energy and passion, with customers and colleagues alike.             

– A.J. Singh, CEO, Modularis

What is your role at Modularis?

I’m a senior software engineer, working on IoT solutions for a single Modularis customer. The primary focus is developing smart systems for a variety of hardware (like dashcams) while working on solution development and implementation. I have taken on expanded roles with this customer, offering consultant services on everything from projects to support. I also provide training to my colleagues at Modularis.


What does delivering value for your customers mean to you?

Modularis’ goals are to accelerate development and reduce risk, which we always keep in mind. If we’re thinking about and delivering on these two pillars, we bring value.


How did you hear about Modularis?

I came to Modularis on the recommendation of close friends. My now-colleagues had many conversations with me about becoming a software engineer at Modularis and about the work this company was doing. They knew I was looking for a professional challenge, and that Modularis could offer that challenge. After continuous encouragement to “join the Modularis family,” I met with Jaime, and the rest is history.


What made you decide to take the job at Modularis?

I wanted to work with Modularis as a software engineer for a number of reasons. At the time, I was working with a local technology company, also in software engineering. I was looking for more professional challenges, and I liked that Modularis works primarily in Microsoft, which is a technology I was interested in. The resources Modularis provides were also a draw–equipment, technology, time. Finally, the interviews with Jaime were on another level. He engaged me in conversation and challenged me in a way that reinforced my decision to work with Modularis.


Where did you go to school and what did you study?

I studied at two schools—Universidad del Valle and Universidad Libre, both in Cali, Colombia. I first studied systems technology and engineering then went on to computer science. Even 15 years later, I would still like to continue my education at some point.


What motivated you to follow a career in software engineering?

I love technology! Honestly, in the beginning, it was my love of video games that started me down this career path. I wanted to learn more about engineering specifically to design and program video games, not realizing it wasn’t a common career in Columbia. I continued to learn and build on my engineering skills, focusing on the computer science aspect. It isn’t just development, it’s quality assurance, automation, and project management. This career is flexible and in-demand; the skills and knowledge that I have gained are something that every company needs.


What is your favorite project you have worked on at Modularis?

I helped a client build a large-scale IoT solution to ensure thousands of devices could successfully connect and work properly in different environments. The client started with 2,000 devices connected and a host of customer complaints. Our goal was to build and integrate solutions to connect 100K devices, and we ended up building the capability for up to 500K to connect. 

We had to ensure that what we were building would work seamlessly with the technology that already existed, integrate with what was coming in the future, and resolved challenges along the way. This project was the first time I saw solutions as big as this–something that reaches millions of devices and customers–and I just loved it!

This project also gave me the opportunity to work with our CEO, A.J., who is like a bible of knowledge. He is passionate, and he remembers everything. A.J. helped us solve problems as we built out the solutions.


The best and most important thing I can say is that Agustín truly embraces Modularis’ core values and lives them every day. He takes ownership of projects, builds trust, looks in the mirror to try to improve, and puts family first. -A.J. Singh


Tell us about your life outside of work. Family life? Hobbies? 

I enjoy spending time with my daughter, she is growing so quickly! She, my mom, and I often get ice cream together or go to the amusement park at the mall. I also enjoy playing guitar, and I still like video games.


What do you want people to know about Modularis and how we support the unique challenges of software and R&D management to promote growth?

I want people to know that Modularis already knows how to solve a lot of the problems they are facing. We have the expertise and we are willing to work with them to help find solutions.


What are your personal values and how do they help you in your work at Modularis?

I value commitment, and I am passionate, both of which go very well with my work. I am committed to the work I do, and to doing it the best I can. I think it’s important to do everything with love–if you love something, you’ll bring that commitment and passion to it.


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